So Much For That Whole Change Thing, Huh?

The one thing Obama had going for him was the aura of being a polictical outsider who could bring change to Washington.  Now he picks Biden as a running mate, so I can only assume the new campaign slogan will be Obama ’08: Status Quo.  Oh and of course hope.  There’s always hope.  But hope won’t bring gas prices down, lower taxes, better the economy, end wars, create stronger world releations and solve the national debt.  And I would like to point out that Biden is part of the status quo Democratic control of congress which collectively did nothing to solve those problems either in the last two years.  Am I supposed to believe things will change with a Democratic president, because it’s certainly not like Bush knows where his veto pen is kept.

Welcome to more politics as usual, but watch how the Democrats will lap it up as freshly packaged Change and Hope.

3 Responses to So Much For That Whole Change Thing, Huh?

  1. Rayzar says:

    You dont know what your talking about. The Obnama campaigne is not based on making changes to make changes. Its about being a better system and Obama and Biden will do this. You just want to talk garbagewithout any real facts. You wont come up with anything concrete about why Obama Biden wont move us forward and provide change, your probably just a cynical old white guy wth nothing to do. Tell the truth, Im right hun?


  2. I guy named Ray calling me hun? And I’ve never claimed I wasn’t a cynical YOUNG white guy, but what the hell does race have to do with my post? It isn’t always about race. In fact nothing I wrote was about race, rather Biden being the embodiement of everything Obama was supposedly running against.

    Speaking of no real facts: “Its about being a better system and Obama and Biden will do this.” Just because you say over and over doesn’t make it come true.

  3. DumbAss Tanker says:

    “You wont come up with anything concrete about why Obama Biden won’t move us forward and provide change…”

    I’m sure Jeremy, like the rest of us, is still waiting for the Obamassiah to say something concrete enough about his “Change” BS so that it CAN be analyzed.

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